guites' thoughts page

Tutor someone on something

Have you ever been young and felt lost? Well everyone feels that. So you better pick someone around you and tutor them on something.

Something that you feel like you now know somewhat and some when you didn't as much.

Pick this someone by the hand, or pick their brains on some matter, and tell them what you think about what they've been wondering about.

And try and be good, or else you've lost your purpose: aim at someone slightly younger and slightly stupider, if you feel so inclined, but at a minimum make sure you know something a little better than your pupil.

Buy them a beer, or a coffee, or a shitty sugar-filled energy drink. And talk about how you did X and Y, but it didn't matter, so you should go with Z instead.

Look them in the eye and revel in realizing that they are not really paying attention. And, if they are really attentive, they do not truly understand it. Just like you didn't when you were young and foolish and about to waste all that energy.

Tutor someone, for the sake of it. So that everyone has a chance to look back on how they didn't heed what they were told.

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