guites' thoughts page

protest overstimulation

In days like today where I wake up extra early it feels like I get a glimpse at what life was before full time connection.

I move my feet to the kitchen, do the remaining dishes, heat up the water for a coffee, pick up my phone and go check some videos... but I stop. It's too much excitement. It would be acceptable for, say, 9 am, but it's 5 in the fucking morning for a while longer.

My heart drops as I just refused to feed it its daily dose of canned entertainment. I feel a general sense of annoyance. I feel... rebellious. I've got boredom dripping out of my nostrils.

I'm such a punk. I took my stand. It's gonna be just me and the guy that posted about staring at his notebook for 15 to 60 minutes every day, without writing (what the fuck, respectfully).

You can take up arms and be a man and gorge yourself on every last drop of content until your feeds are bottomed out. I'll be the conscientious objector, sitting in the corner, twiddling my thumbs, looking like I need a chat.

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