guites' thoughts page


There is not much that can be done to fool the body. Living under constant stress takes a toll on the mind, which is reflected on the physique.

A slender body reveals a healthy person, one which we are eager to be close to.

A sickly figure reveals what? You cannot pin point it. If he coughs, its cigarettes, yellowy eyes? boozer, arched back? works the office. Its reasons could be so many.

There are so many different levels you could be in. In your addiction. In the thing that is corrupting you, consuming your well being. But you are in it.

You are addicted to something. You wake up with a craving.

It might be so subtle that it doesn't really bothers you much. You can go days without. Depending on how committed you are to being better.

But when your will power stutters, your eyes will lose focus. You will realize you've been staring into something without really seeing. You will notice your ears have tuned out. You were consumed by your longing.

And once you are flawed you will notice that same flaw on others that share it.

It's interesting on some, even charming on others. But you never mention it. You just acknowledge it, and you march on, until the next time.

#english #life